These core beliefs directly impact how I work with clients
We are here to connect with others and that this connection is our highest achievement
Life transitions and challenges are opportunities for growth and that those without such challenges may actually be the less fortunate ones
We are ultimately responsible for our own lives and happiness and no matter what has happened. I will pose the question-what are we going to do about it now?
Compassion for self and others is the essential wisdom that leads to happiness and peace-of-mind
The two biggest contributors to successful therapy are how comfortable you feel with your therapist, and how motivated you are to change. If either component is not present, it will be challenging for the process to succeed.
My role as a therapist is to assist you in removing any blocks that may be preventing you from experiencing your highest personal potential as opposed to 'curing' you of a disorder
You have the wisdom and strength to bring about the changes that you need in your life, and psychotherapy is a powerful tool in realizing that potential
I believe in the power of the present moment and that spending a great deal of time regretting the past or dreading the future may not be the best use of the moments we have to spend on this planet